
A guest dog killed my cat. How would you handle this?

We had a very unfortunate experience this weekend while sitting a dog who has come to our house many times in the past. While I was out (for about 30 minutes), she broke through the barriers I set up to the main part of the house where my cat stays and killed my cat. This dog has stayed at my house a dozen times without incident. The owners never told me to keep her away from cats, they said they didn't know how she is with cats,. She seemed a little too curious about my cats, so I made sure to keep them separated. I do not fault the dog or the owners at all, but myself for not being absolutely certain that the dog in no way could get through the barrier (two pressure mounted baby gates). I should have put her in a kennel. The dog is fine, has a few scratches on her stomach, but that's it. My question is do I tell the owners? I do not want them to feel bad, it was not their fault. I will not have this dog back in my house and could simply deny future requests for the dog to stay here without them having to know why. On the other hand, they should know that it is not safe for their dog to be in a house with cats. Any feedback on how or if I should break the news to them would be helpful. I am an animal lover and I try my best to be a conscientious pet owner. This was an awful accident and the worst experience in my time caring for animals. I do not fault the dog. I know it was instinctual behavior.


I'm so sorry this happened! I would tell them everything like you told us here, and not have the dog come back. I wish all sitters could see the reviews we leave for the pets we sit so the next sitter doesn't suffer a pet loss like you have.

That is so devastating, but so important that you share to alert fellow sitters to err on the side of caution when leaving animals unattended, even for short periods, even if you've hosted the dog multiple times, your barriers must be solid when your intent is to separate them. They are instinctual and they're animals. I'm so sorry for your loss. Jennie in Tucson, AZ

I am so sorry this happened to you and more so for the poor kitty. But I have to say I am a bit surprised at your reaction as a professional and a pet owner. Why would you even consider NOT telling them? Make sure they knew their dog attacked. It will attack again. Do it in writing.

I had a dog stay at my home for 2 days second day he killed my kitten so sad. I told the owner. You should tell the owner so they know to keep the dog away from cats

2 Answers

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I agree with Mary's sentiments. What a terrible loss! I would tell them what happened, but try to avoid emotional language. If you call[Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team]), support will help you with the wording. Both Rover and the owners need to know that this dog should not be around any cats for future care arrangements.


I was just going to say what Deb said. I think the first thing I would do is call Rover and let them know what happened. I'm almost sure they will back you up and call the customer themselves and tell them what happened. Actually I think it would even sound better coming from them. I am so sorry this happened to you. It sounds like you couldn't do anything different, you did everything you were suppose to. My heart truly breaks for you. I would definitely let the customer know, don't let this slide. By telling them you might be saving someone else's pet from getting hurt. Like Mary said, I really wish their was a way for us to be able to submit feedback so we can give other sitters a heads up.


If you are a sitter, don’t leave animals unsupervised.


Hi this has just happened today with my beloved cat Luna. He was only one year old. It’s not the dogs fault at all I just completely blame myself. It’s so traumatic to watch the extent the dog goes to to kill the cat. I feel like I have done a disservice to the cat for having the dog in the first place. It’s just so sad having to bury a loved one with all those images in your mind. We have had to tell the owners purely to warn them for future circumstances