
How do I get my dog to stop chewing their bed?

Our Dachshund has been consistently chewing up her bed in the crate. We've tried blankets, she still destroys them. Nice beds, same story. We've tried giving her a KONG to keep her occupied, but any type of distraction still results in ruined bedding. Help!

2 Answers

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I second Laura's suggestion. My dog did this initially (and not just the bedding but also the crate covering)! He was a 10 month old rescue at the time understandably with a bit of separation anxiety. After a few shredded blankets I just took it all away, put cardboard around his crate and worked on his anxiety with the usual recommendation: short random cratings + peanut buttered kong while I was home during the day, increasing in duration until he starting being calm. Took about a month and a half, but soon he was relaxed enough to get some fancy new bedding!

It feels a bit mean to deny them a soft surface while you're going through this, but really unless you're dealing with an old arthritic dog they'll be none the worse for the wear.


My first thought is 'stop putting bedding in the kennel' since it doesn't do her much good comfort-wise if she's just shredding it anyway, and continue to provide other chews/toys to keep her occupied. Half the time my dogs prefer to sleep on the hard floor than on any of their beds anyway.. if there's no medical reason she shouldn't be laying on hard surfaces, it will be fine. The shredding behavior may have just become habitual, so removing her ability to practice the unwanted behavior while giving her other outlets for her boredom/stress (the Kong, chews, etc) that are acceptable may eventually cause the shredding behavior to stop. If you really want to keep putting stuff in there, I'd suggest used towels from Good Will.