
Is there a check list or questionnair I can have my client fill out for extended boarding?

My clients will be out of the country for two weeks and their dogs will be staying at my home. I would like to have them give me all the important information I will need in case of emergency while they are away. Do you have a pre-made form that I can use?

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Here is a formal form for emergencies that you can cater to your needs: It may be a little overwhelming as is, so I would perhaps make your own version with the pertinent information. I think the most important question should be who is their emergency contact that can make medical decisions and all of their contact information. If you Google "pet emergency sheet," hundreds of forms come up; it may be a good idea to browse through to get an idea of the most common/important questions.


The link provided is broken but google for pet emergency and you'll find lots of good info and tips