
How/When does pending pay change to redeemable?

I did a job but my pending pay won't become redeemable. Is there something I had to do for it to change? How can I fix it?

3 Answers

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Pending funds automatically become available 48 hours after the job has been completed. Here is the FAQ about payments:

You can set it up so that payments are automatically withdrawn or you can do so manually.


It seems like I used to get 2 days after but lately I've noticed it takes 3 days.

I finished a walk at 4pm on the 4th of February. I was paid at 6:30am on the 7th of February.

That's 48 hours plus 18 hours. If I looked again I'd probably find one that took even longer. I think the correct answer to this question is that you will get paid on the third morning after you finish.


Its now been over 72 hours since completing my sit and my pay still has not been sent to my bank.



I’m a Rover Expert and Sitter I’m more than happy to help

You can get a CHECK mailed automatically to you (there is an additional $2 fee for checks) or transfer your Rover balance to your PAYPAL account. From your PayPal, you would have to go log on and transfer your money to your bank account.

Here is a link about automatic payments: (

Here is a link on how to get paid: (

Your funds will be available 48 hours from the completion of the stay


Can I get it sent to my debit card if I put it in as my payment type?