
Day vs Night rates?

When setting rates, they are based on a night's stay. However if you are booking a stay with someone from Monday morning to Friday night, you are only getting paid for 3 nights vs the actual 5 days long stay. How can this be avoided and ensuring you are getting paid for what is a full day's worth of dog sitting?

Do you set certain pickup and drop off times? and if so, right on profile or offline with owner and modify stay if needed?

2 Answers

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I'm sure you meant to write being paid for 4 nights but having the dog for 5 days. Regardless,s there are numerous questions about this one the board. Check out this most recent one:


When there is a difference in time of 4+ hours (ex. dropoff at 9AM, pickup at 7PM) I charge a $10 daycare charge for the last day. I have this listed in my profile, along with my business hours of 9 AM - 7PM (8PM in summer). I work out the actual times with the clients at the M&G or via message if they are repeats. I always determine dropoff and pickup times (or estimates) before accepting the request, and I edit the total charge accordingly.