
Question regarding overnight stay?


Just looking for some feedback from the community. Here is my overnight sitter scenario / question:

1 dog books for 1 overnight stay at my home. Say Friday to Saturday. The pet is dropped off at my home Friday morning around 9:00am The pet is going to be picked up Saturday evening around 9:30pm

How do other sitters feel about this? In my mind seems like an overnight and a daycare, since it is only 1 overnight stay. If the pet was with us for a number of days.. would overlook the "late" pickup.

Do other sitters note specific times on pickup, based on dropoff?

Just wondering Thanks in advance

1 Answer

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Before I book any stay, I will find out the dropoff and pickup times. When the the pickup time is significantly more than 24 hours after dropoff, I will modify the booking to include a charge for the overtime. I do give customers a couple of hours leeway, but anything other 3-4 will incur a pro rata charge. If it is over 10 hours, then they get charged for another whole day. In your case, you can either charge for another night of boarding or your daycare charge.

Rover's FAQ states that the "nightly" boarding rate is good for up to 24 hours. You can always refer your clients to that, but I've never had a single customer quibble about changes due to their schedule. Every boarding facility is going to have cutoffs and you can bet they'd charge for two days because that is what it is. Two full days of care: walks, feedings, etc.

This question probably comes up more often than any other. You can do a search to see how others address it. But I wouldn't let any customer take advantage of how the booking system is set up (i.e., without dropoff and pickup times) so that I have to give of my time without compensation. I don't do this for fun. It is a business.


Thank you Karen. That is what I was thinking... I am planning to give 4 hour grace period... but what happens in the event : I am given drop off and pick up times... and for whatever reason on the day of the pickup the owners show up later. How is the owner charged? As the owner has already paid.

I agree, overnight stay plus daycare for the next day. You can always extend the stay or add daycare if the owners plan changes.

First, don't tell them your grace period, otherwise, they'll inevitably take it. Inform them of Rover and your operating procedures. You can find the 24-hour stuff in the Help section. Tell them that if their dog isn't picked up by the agreed-upon time, then you initiate an "extend the stay"

which has to be paid before they can pick up their dog. If the overage has to do with a plane delay due to weather, then I'm far more lenient. But remember a kennel will charge regardless of cause. If it gets to be too late or you have a cutoff for pickups, as some sitters do, then tell them they'll

have to pick up the dog the next day and send them a bill. Sorry, I'm so wordy,