
As a sitter do you provide dog food?

I know I'm particular about which brand my dog eats. Do owners usually provide this or does the sitter? Any experience would be appreciated, thanks!


The owner provides their own food. Also something to think about that I didn't the first few times I had clients. Ask the owner if the dog eats treats normally. MOST dogs do, and ask if they can bring the appropriate amount of treats in addition to the food.

2 Answers

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The owner needs to provide their dog's food to avoid digestive upset (tummy troubles, etc.). If there's not enough provided, there's several ways to handle the situation. Here are a couple links to message threads about this subject:


Thank you!


I agree. I don't provide any food or treats, and if I have to get some during the visit, I show the receipt to my owner and ask for reimbursement. That's only happened once, and they were happy to pay for it.

I have a list that I give to all my first-time clients of things to bring with them on drop-off day. It includes things like food, treats, bedding, toys, meds, etc. and we also discuss it at the meet and greet.