
Do you charge extra if you have to purchase puppy diapers or bands for the dog?

I have a puppy that I was told can hold his urine for 3-4 hours. I've been taking him out every hour and he still has accidents in my house in between going outside. I purchased some puppy diapers for the dog. Would you charge extra for this? I talked to the owner before purchasing the puppy diapers and they basically said that they are surprised the dog is having accidents and didn't really mention anything about the puppy diapers. I can't deal with my carpet getting more dog urine on it so I'm going to use the diapers. Curious if anyone charges extra for this and how that works?

2 Answers

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From the owner's response, they're not going to pay or reimburse you. Puppy pads/diapers/belly bands are a cost of doing business, which you can deduct for tax purposes. I have a client who supplies me with belly bands, shipped directly from amazon, because her dog is serial marker!

However, you do have the ability to recoup a bit by having a higher puppy rate, which I noticed you do not have. Go to your rate table and put in a higher rate for puppy care. Or if you don't want the hassle, say that you won't accept puppies in your preferences.


I have a puppy rate to cover belly bands, pee pads and diapers. I even raised my rates for adult dogs that have accidents to cover the extra costs. Remember, to keep receipts for everything you buy for your business as you can also deduct the business costs.