
Do I block out my calendar when I am booked?

I only like to take dogs from one owner at a time, and I have indicated this in my preferences. When I am booked by a customer, does that time show up as busy to all other clients? Or should I be going in after I am booked and manually switching my availability to Unavailable? I do not want to have to turn down work due to already being booked, I would rather just appear busy and have customers not request me? I emailed Rover to find out but that was two weeks ago and I have not heard a response. Thanks!

3 Answers

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But just be advised that even though your calendar says you are unavailable, potential clients may still contact you. This happens to me a lot. I just send the standard message back, saying that I am unavailable and point out (politely) that my status is shown on my calendar. So you may have to turn down work anyway.


As soon as the stay is officially booked, your calendar will automatically update to reflect the dates that the stay is for, that way other owners will know that you are unavailable for those dates.


Hi Hillary, Are you sure about the availability? I have a booking from Tuesday (7/14) through Thursday (7/30). It has been confirmed and paid for in full. I logged out of my account and searched for me and it still shows me as totally available for the next month?


Thank you both for your response!