
No bookings yet?

I'm a newbie on here. However, I have years of experience and 4 great reviews from people I've worked with before. I haven't gotten a single booking yet and I've been on here over a week. Am I just being impatient? I feel like I live in a good area for Rover (its still a new concept but its established) and my rates are slightly lower than the top competitors. So what gives? Please give me any advice you have, I'm beginning to feel like paying for my background check was wasted money.

Link to my profile: (


Hi! I also am not getting any bookings. I have lowered my prices & been in this app for months. Please help

4 Answers

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Yes, you are being impatient. It takes time.

For house sitting, your limited availability--weekends only--could be a huge impediment to getting jobs. When people go away on vacation and want a house sitter, they are usually gone during the week as well. So don't expect much interest in that one.

For drop-ins, you are listed on the third page for Starkville, which is odd because Rover generally puts new people upfront to give them more visibility and chances to get bookings. You don't show up at all for walking, You might want to check with Rover to see why that is.


Thank you for your input! I've opted out of house sitting on weekdays because I felt my 8-4 job wouldn't allow me to give enough potty breaks. However, if anyone has advice on how they housesit around their day job please let me know. Good eye on the dogwalking, I'll consider reaching out to Rover.

Hi Hailey, I work full time as well. I find the best thing is to just let them know that you work but will be at their home by a certain time each night and stay until a certain time each morning. If you are not able to do an afternoon visit be upfront, some owners don't require it.

Thanks, Jennifer. I just changed my availability for house-sitting to include weekdays. Now that I think about it, I feel that you are right about communicating your work schedule to the owner. If I hired someone to watch my home and pets I wouldn't expect them to be there all the time.


I noticed you have set your service very large and this can hurt you in showing up in searches, you may want to consider making it smaller so you are seen in Starkville


Thanks, Walt. Initially, I thought it would be good to keep it broad as this is somewhat of a rural area and everyone here is used to travelling long distances for simple tasks. However, I'm going to narrow in my area preferences and see if that helps.


When I first started it took me about 2 weeks before I started getting requests! They will come but you can up your chances by making business cards, flyers and posts on craigslist.


I am having the same problem!!! After you made those adjustments have you had any luck?