
Do you have time to sign this petition for military families?

Hello, My name is Emily Sanders. I am a military spouse and proud dog mom. My husband recently received new orders to Guam. United Airlines changed their policies on pet travel. They did this after getting negative feedback because of several incidents. This has made it outrageously expensive to fly our 2 German Shepherds to our new duty station. For our two pets it will cost $8,000. I have started a personal gofundme (going- guam) to try get help for my family, but I am not alone. Military families all over the world are suffering from these new policies. Many families are having to give up their family pets.

A petition with close to 120,000 signatures was started to try to spread the word. This petition is titled, “United Airlines, please help military families ship their big dogs” and can be found on Please take a moment to read and sign this petition and help us reach our goal of 150,000 signatures.

Enlisted family members do not have the kind of money to be able to spend up to $10,000 every 3 years when PCSing. To fly a pet to places like Japan, Guam, Korea, and Hawaii it used to cost approx. $500-1000 per pet. That is a manageable fee many military families can afford for their beloved fur-babies.

Please help me let people know what is happening. With a little bit of attention maybe we can get United Airlines to listen to our cries for help! Thank you for your time and consideration.



United Airlines Pet Policy (


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I would love to sign can u fix links

2 Answers

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None of your links are valid and were surpressed by the formatting of this forum. Best of luck


There is a website for getting a bunch of legit signatures fast. Its called


Not sure if this is allowed here, but best of luck anyways!