Should I charge the owner?

Hello! I am new to this and I am boarding a second dog through Rover. The owners are gone for two weeks. So far the experience with this dog is awful! He is not normally crated by the owners but at my house he is. The owners agreed that would be fine and even provided a cage. The dog tore the door off within having him for three days. So then I bought a baby gate and locked him in the kitchen while away. He got out every time. Finally I tried locking him in the laundry room but now he is chewing and scratching at the door frame. On top of all that, he cries for about 2-3 hours every night. In the owner's notes they said that if he is taken out around 10PM and in the morning around 6AM he will be fine. He clearly is not, since he is barking at all hours of the night. Another issue is he had diarrhea on my floor and now its stained. I can not get it out. I am thinking of renting a steamer and them paying for it? Should and can I do that? His profile says he is house trained and I think if was the result of nerves but it will not come out. His profile also says he "is a well trained and well behaved lovely companion." He so far is not. He barks, he doesn't listen, and he does not know how to walk on a leash. Do I have an room to charge them cleaning fees? or anything? Looking for advice!!