First request was not a good fit at all. Is my ranking doomed?

In my research on Rover I get the impression it's very important to accept your first request. I signed up a couple months ago and got my first request last week.

The most alarming thing to me was that the dog's profile said it was not cat friendly. The first pictures on my profile are of my cat, I talk about my cat in my summary, and in the section where it ask what you want to know about the client's dog I say I want to know if it's cat friendly, and then in the about home section it says I have a cat. How is this fair? She should not have requested me and I doubt she even read my profile.

Another issue was that it was a large breed dog, 3 months old. She claimed it was 10 pounds. That didn't sound right to me so I googled. That breed at that age should be 14.3 pounds at the least and 19.8 pounds at the most. I selected in my profile to only take small dogs up to 15 pounds. There were no pictures of the puppy, so I couldn't tell if it really is as small as she claims. Either it's small for it's age or a severely underweight puppy.

She also wanted to drop the pup off that same day. So that was 3 red flags for me. I had a bad feeling about it, especially the first issue mentioned, so I rejected the request. Is there any recovering from this? Am I at the bottom of the list now, or do I still have a chance? My booking score says 50 Low.

To make matters worse, the request was sent just as I was falling asleep and didn't see it and respond until 6 hours later. So now my profile says “Response time: under 12 hours.”