
What to do when owners are out of town and the dogs keep being aggressive towards you?

I need some help, I'm honestly a little lost right now, and not sure what to do at this point, I have tired all the trick in the book so you can say.

Little back story on the pups. Both rescue dogs with not a pretty past, one is a girl the other is a boy. The girl is a Australian Shepherd/ Boxer mix, and the boy is a Chihuahua/McNab mix.

First meet and greet I came in with no problem owners were home. We sat at the kitchen table and no problems other then some barking. But that's it. I went outside into the backyard with them and sat on the stoop while they ran around and took treats from me. Went back inside sat on the couch with the owners and talked, no problems. So the owners and I agreed to do another meet and greet but this time without them home, to see how things go. I walked in, of course there was barking. No problem. Gave treats, they took them and ran upstairs to their room. Fine. Walked upstairs and walked into their room with no problem gave them more treats. Spent about 30-40 mins in the house. Everything was fine. Walked out.

Last night was the first night that I had to sleep at their house. They finally left for their family trip. I walk into the house and was prepared for the barking, even got some growling this time. Tried to give them treats but they didn't want them. They booked it upstairs and ran into their room. I tried to go upstairs with calm friendly voice with treats in hand and this time I got not only barking and growing but teeth and snapping at me. I left the treats on the floor next me and backed out of the room. Went to feed the fish they asked me too. And walked downstairs. I sat at the kitchen table but they refused to come downstairs. After about an hour I tried to go back upstairs, but they got so aggressive they ended up chasing me downstairs. I left the back door open for them to at least go out to the backyard to go to the bathroom, but they never came down. I slept on the couch in the living room. But neither of them even came down AT ALL.

This morning when I woke up, I tried it all over again. Same thing happened. I've been talking to the owners most of the night and all morning. Fed the fish this morning, went back downstairs finally got the girl pup to go outside, while the boy just stayed up in their room. Finally the owners told me about the anxiety meds the vet gives them. So I cut the pill in half put it into some cheese...the boy pup ate his, the girl refused but she hasn't been as bad as the other one.

I ... (more)

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Oh man. I know this is an old topic, but I'm answering just for the benefit of readers. I had a somewhat similar situation, where I was watching two pitbulls. Sweet as could be at the M&G. Total love bugs. When I went for my first drop in visit they were snarling and lunging at the door....I sweet talked them for hours, threw treats, etc... never made it through the door. They were extremely territorial. Long story short, it ended with me contacting Rover and ending my care of the dogs. The Rover rep was super supportive and helpful, and they helped the owner come up with Plan B. It's a bummer but not worth risking our safety.