
If a dog has been treated for heart worm for 2 months is he still unable to exercise?

Hi there, I rescued my first dog last week. He was originally found in Mississippi and is now here with us in Massachusetts! The adoption/rescue place actually gave us no info on heart worm which he was tested for and began treatment in April. I just was finally able to get him into a specialty facility because regular vets aren’t accepting new patients due to Covid. When I started doing research I read that he should not be exercising at all. He’s been running all week he is very active (a pit bull mix). He loves to run but I guess he doesn’t get to full sprint often. I’m just so worried that he’s been moving too much and I had no idea he couldn’t. Any help or advice would be so appreciated thank you!


I worked as a Vet Tech during Hurricane Katrina, We saw a lot of dogs with heartworm. It is a very dangerous thing for these pups. PLEASE see the vet. They are the only ones educated enough to tell you what to do!

3 Answers

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Disclaimer-I am no doctor, and you MUST ask your doctor for your dog's specific case, but I will share my experience.

I had a foster Jack Russell Terrier who was undergoing heartworm treatment. I was told that she could go on hour-long walks, run for under 15 minutes at a time if she needed to dissipate energy, rest and resume. Sometimes, she would get super hyper at home and run around. I'd let her do what she wanted but calmed her down in 15 minutes, monitor/let her heart rate get back to normal and then let her resume. I would also monitor her wheezing- if it was excessive on the day, I'd restrict any activity until the wheezing stopped. Find out from your doctor what your pitbull can and cannot do. Pitbulls require and are happy with exercise. I highly recommend a vet visit or a call to the shelter to find out how they dealt when they put him in foster. If the dog had a foster parent, see if the rescue will let you talk to them. Good luck!


As everyone else has said, you do want to talk to your Veterinarian to find out all the information about Heartworm. I can tell you that what you are reading is correct. You do need to restrict his activity down to NO excercise while receiving Heartworm Treatment. The reason why they say no exercise, is because when your dog is receiving Heartworm treatment, The Heartworm treatment is actually killing the Heartworms your dog currently has.
Which is a good thing but the negative side is the worms die and just sit in your dogs heart. So yes you want and need the worms to die but then the heartworms have no where to go. If you were to excercise your dog , the dead worms would get jossled around in your dogs heart and can cause a blockage. Which is why they say No Excersises. Yes its true that pitbulls (or most breeds) need excersises but when they are undergoing Heartworm treatment it is not advised. The risk is just too high. To get more information, do talk to your Vet. Best of Luck!


Wherever your dog was a patient or has an appointment with a vet (it sounds like the specialty facility is most recent), I'd suggest you call them and ask. Most vets, if you have a relationship with them (either they treated your pet or have an appointment to do so as a new client), will answer basic questions over the phone and since they saw your pet and have his complete health history, they'd be in a far better position to advise you.

You may want to check around if vets in your area are now accepting patients via parking lot drop off & return (with a vet technician retrieving the pet outside, taking inside the facility, and returning the pet outside; the actual conversation with veterinarian and all billing details are handled over the phone). That's what is happening in my state.