
Client booked for incorrect amount of time? Am I to blame?

I was booked for one night (Friday 9/11 through Saturday 9/12) I received a message from the client "Morning! I'm going to feed them after work, but if you could let them out to play/ bathroom around 7/8 ish. Then I won't be back until Sunday afternoon" to which I replied "Sounds good! Enjoy your weekend" I stayed until about 9pm on Saturday to make sure they were tuckered out and fed and pottied since their owner was coming back the following afternoon. Fast forward to Sunday morning, I'm at my own home working on my vehicle and I receive another message that says "Hey just want to check in and make sure you are able to take care of them for breakfast this morning." Now I'm confused and explain to the client that the dates were 9/11-9/12, to which she replied "Yea it was supposed to be until Sunday, I just changed it because I left a day early on Friday. When you texted me to confirm I said I would be back Sunday afternoon so I was counting on you for their morning feed"

I've already apologized for the miscommunication on my part and updated my questions for future clients. My question is how do I handle this potential negative review? Is there something Rover might be able to do if she leaves a poor review for this reason? Thanks for the help!

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If I'm interpreting this right, she sent you the first text on Friday morning Sept. 11th and only 1 night was booked, no additional time extensions were submitted. In her text when she casually asks you to take them out out around 7 - 8, she's actually referring to the morning of Sunday Sept, 13th. That should have been booked at 2 nights of care (Friday AM start time through Saturday same approx. AM start time and Sat that AM time through approx. Sunday AM).

Ideally, before both her & you clicked book it now or at any point one of you realized it would have been more than 1 night, the booking could and should have been modified. If there's any difficulty doing so, Rover support will gladly help make it happen to account for all the time.

Since no negative review has been posted yet, I'd suggest you use the rover messaging to send a friendly update, along the lines of hope the pups are doing well, sorry again that we has a misunderstanding in the text messages, and it wasn't clear to me that the end date had changed to Sunday because only 1 day was booked, and each day covers up to 24 hours, so extending the booking through Sunday morning would have resulted in an additional charge. Clearly state something like, I'm chalking that up to a learning error on my part and not asking for any additional compensation and (if you want this person as repeat) look forward to seeing the pups again soon.

At this point, you could let Rover support know by calling them and telling them you didn't realize from that vague language that she actually expected 2 days of care for the 1 night booking and you didn't collect any additional compensation for your time. Chances are they will advise you to not respond to any negative review comments in order to not escalate the situation. If she blasts you with a review, keep you reply short and professional - again something that expresses you're glad that you got to spend time with the pups and are sorry that there was misunderstanding, that each booked night covers up to 24 hours.


This is actually really helpful, I didn't think to follow up with her and send a friendly message thanking her for the time.