
Recurring walks format changed?

I had recurring bookings before, and always got a notification on Sunday (?) that the booking had been confirmed/paid for by the owner, for the next week. I recently got a new one, and had notification of the booking being confirmed/paid for. I was about to message the owner to ask if she wanted me for this week (she is new to rover) and thought she hadn't followed through. Then I noticed my pending $$ had increased, and realized the booking for this upcoming week had been paid for. Should I have received notification?

2 Answers

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with the pandemic, my bookings have gone from lots to none since March. I had a few recurring bookings set up for walks and honestly don't recall receiving any notification each week that clients had paid. But Rover is Rover and it acts differently for many of us from time to time. Be happy you have some bookings


I didnt mean to comment here


To the person who answered: While i love your gratitude, it is NOT acceptable for Rover to degrade every aspect of its services to us, as sitters, as well as to our clients.

We should maintain self-respect and continue to demand quality service for what we pay to Rover. It is quite a bit, while they offer us less and less. If you were getting notifications and now are not, inform Rover. Tell them it was helpful and you counted on it. You pay for that to function, and when it doesn’t, they are not doing their job.

I will also add: good luck. Rover has crapped the bed on everything i used to like ab them as the year has gone on.