
About the mechanics of Stripe?

I am about to have my first experience with Stripe since I haven't a Rover booking until now. So I did register a couple of weeks ago, when this booking was made. I find it strange that no acknowledgment message was sent that the registration was successful, as you get pretty much for everything you do online. But that's Rover, a totally incompetent company. On my Dashboard, it does show that Stripe is my payout method.

I have read the Help section about the new payment method. But nowhere does it talk about creating an account on Stripe, as one does for Paypal, where you can see transactions, tax forms, etc. Do I need to do this?

2 Answers

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You hit the nail right on the head. Rover is a totally incompetent company


Well, the answer to my own question, per Rover Customer Service, is NO. You don't need to create an account on Stripe. If there are problems, you call Rover.

Also, my first payment experience was a smooth transfer in exactly the same amount of time as with Paypal. The funds were automatically transferred yesterday (2 days after completion of the job) and they showed up in my bank account the next day, which I have verified.

P.S. The customer service person said they had received a lot of complaints from sitters about lack of transparency, etc., and that Rover is reevaluating this process. I'd take that with a grain of salt. But at least I didn't get one of those Rover people who falsely claimed that they hadn't received any complaints and all the other sitters love it. LOL!