Did you add new kitten/cat or puppy/dog to family in past year?

IF you added a new furry pet to your family in the past year:

Please make sure that all pets who visit the outdoors, even if only for walks or to relieve themselves, wear a collar with ID tags attached which have phone numbers which will be answered 24x7 if the pet should become separated from a human.

Please make sure those pets walk with leash attached to a well fitting harness (only enough wiggle room for 2 fingers to fit between strap and body). In case pet bolts/darts away, this is safer as collar with identification will remain intact in case Good Samaritan helps reunite pet & family.

Please ensure pet is microchipped (and spayed / neutered if of age).

July 4th is a record breaking holiday of the highest number of lost pets landing in shelters(or other tragedy befalling from wild predators& vehicular traffic), largely due to the pets’ reactions to fireworks and running off, without a clue where they’re headed. And it’s approx. 10 days away, but a lot of the amateur activity has already started.