
Can I ask my sitter for a referral?

Hey there! We have a sitter we’ve been working with exclusively for two years and we absolutely love her. We have a trip coming up that she’s not available for. Would it be appropriate to ask her for a referral of someone she knows that might be available?

2 Answers

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Yes, Definitely, it’s appropriate to ask the sitter. Rover doesn’t facilitate sitters connecting with other sitters, but she might know of a sitter in your area that she could recommend if she has firsthand knowledge. Also if you’re traveling out of the area and looking for a sitter, she could share background information about pet(s) from her personal notes with a prospective sitter, which is immensely helpful when a meet & greet can’t be accomplished prior to booking from far away.


I think it’s perfectly ok to ask if your usual sitter knows of someone trustworthy. The worst she can say is that she doesn’t. I got into this because of a couple of good friends of mine doing it first. So I would have a recommendation based on that or someone I have used in the past to board my own dog.