
What do you do to advise you've left animals alone?


I was wondering if anyone else has considered what would happen if something occurs while you're pet sitting and there is an accident while you're gone. I'm concerned that no one would know there are pets in your care somewhere other than your home (if you are pet sitting at the owner's home).

I've been leaving a note in my wallet with the address so they know there are pets that have been left alone.

Anyone else?



1 Answer

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Very thoughtful of you.

Some people apply decals to their home windows indicating pets inside (quantity & type) in case of emergency. At times, these may be distributed by city government (fire, police, animal services) as this could be helpful any time, even when the owners are home taking care of their pets, but away.

If you have developed relationships with other pet sitters or even pet lovers who you think may help in a real pinch, you could also share the details with them.