
Can I tell an owner the crate for their dog is too small?

I’m boarding a dog in my apartment at the moment. The owner brought her crate because he said she gets anxiety when left alone and starts destroying things. He mentioned he’s left her in the crate up to six hours but she could probably be in it up to 8 hours.

My concern is that the crate is too small for her! She has to crouch down to get in and curl up to stay in it. I can’t imagine leaving her in the crate for 6 hours! I’ve only left her in for an hour max and only because it was absolutely necessary for me to leave her home alone. I haven’t left her alone out of the crate so I don’t know how severe her anxiety issues are. I also don’t know how often she’s left alone in the crate at home.

She looks like she’s loved and well taken care of, don’t see signs of neglect. Would it be okay to tell the owner about my concern or should I just let it go?

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A dog being in a crate that is too small, is not okay. A crate should never be used as punishment. They should feel like they are safe in their crate. If the dog cannot stand up, stretch out and is limited to one spot, it can certainly feel to them like they've done something wrong. It could very well cause behavioral issues when they are let out of the crate. Sore unmoved muscles could also become an issue. With all that pent-up excess energy, bad behaviors could develop like chewing, barking and sometimes even more complex behaviors, that would end up taking more time to fix than the initial problem.(Ie anxiety!!) I would definitely tell the owner. If there are no signs of neglect, they should be understanding when you say her little head crunches on the top of the cage and she can barely move. I love my fur babies and I would definitely take advice if it's for the well being of my pet. Good luck and stay safe out there!