
What do I do if my dog breed is not listed?

I have 3 dogs--- all are Omani Wadi dogs. They are not any of the breeds listed. I had their DNA done, and the DNA came back for all of them between 92-96 percent "unknown". Wadi dogs are said to be a mixture of the original village dogs/feral dogs of Oman with some random DNA of dogs that have been left behind by various expats. In the UAE and Saudi Arabia, they are known as Desert dogs. I can't bring myself to check a breed that I know is not representative of my dog, I can't identify them as Omani Wadi dogs, and I can't leave the field blank. How do I get around this?

2 Answers

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I believe there is a option for “other” or “unlisted/not listed”. In the past that’s how people added their cats (Dog breed= other or unlisted/not listed) Ha!


I had to look that up because I have never heard of it. So I learned that Omani Wadi dog is NOT a breed, they're abandoned street dogs, and that's why they are not listed in the list of dog breeds. You need to listed as "other" as Deb says and explain on your profile what dog you have, where they came from and describe their behavior to the potential sitter.