
My client's flight was canceled, so she could not go out of town. How do I issue her a full refund for the used boarding days?

My client booked boarding for a week, and her dog's stay began the night before her scheduled flight. The evening the dog was dropped off, she learned her flight had been canceled, so she could no longer go out of town. The circumstances are understandably out of her control. When she returned the next day to pick up her dog, I modified the booking for her to pick up the dog that day, so it would be adjusted to just a one night stay. I did NOT label this as a cancellation, but noted it as a schedule modification for the owner's flight being cancelled.

Rover is still recognizing this as a cancellation of boarding days I'm guessing, because they only refunded my client partially. I want to ensure my client recieves a full refund for the days she did not use. She already lost nonfundable money on her hotel and other things for her trip. I don't want her to have to pay for boarding days she could not use. How do I go about helping her money be refunded?

1 Answer

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Rover support does not moderate this group often so if you wish to make a change give them a call and they will handle it right away 888-453-7889


Thank you, I have contacted them about this matter. Awaiting their reply now.

Walt's advice is the correct way to handle. In these situation, don't try to modify it on your own - call them! Previously, in this type of situation I've called and authorized them to give a full refund, and they've sent me and the client update notification before the call ended.