
What about puppies too young to be neutered?

I have a puppy who are still too young to be neutered (2-3mo), and it seems like to Rover there is difference between that and an unneutered adult dog. I respect the desire for Rover sitters to not have to handle unneutered adult dogs. But does it really matter all that much for young puppies?

2 Answers

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As a sitter, I haven't encountered a problem with this. All my puppy-clients haven't been neutered, and have behaved well around adult dogs. The mingling is always short-lived, but that's because they're bundles of curiosity. Personally, I wouldn't worry. If it's still a concern, I'll always recommend separating puppies and adults in your home. Friendliest regards to you, Santoso!


Since your profile indicates that you’re a pet owner looking for a sitter, it’s helpful to know that each sitter sets their own policies. Some will accept booking for non-neutered/non-spayed, likewise some accept bookings for puppies. Each person sets what they’re comfortable with.


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