
How can I get my Dog to stop pooping/peeing in her crate?

I adopted a 9-month-old beautiful husky last week. Her last owners kept her in her kennel, 24/7 so to her, it's her bathroom and her bedroom. We walk her about once an hour when we are home. She's only in her kennel when we are at work and when she eats because we have 2 other dogs, and she wants to eat their food as well. She could be in her kennel for not even 2 minutes and had already gone to the bathroom. She doesn't show any indication that she has to go. She goes to the bathroom outside too; we will walk her until she goes to the bathroom so that she doesn't have any accidents, but she still goes immediately when entering her crate. I am completely out of ideas. I give her treats when she goes outside, I have put bedding in her crate, I feed her in her crate, I have taken the bedding out. She will poop and walk all in it in her kennel. Does anyone have any tips for me?


Take her out to potty before you put her in and don't leave her in there for to long ..give her a treat when she goes out to potty.and bleach the kennel so it doesn't smell like peepee

crates shouldn’t be too big that they can really get into the position of going to the bathroom. I might consider getting a smaller crate. I also always have blankets down. Definitely want to make sure that she goes to the bathroom before.

3 Answers

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It's time to lose the crate. Try a puppy pen with puppy pads instead. Keep a feeding schedule and potty routine. She will adjust with time. What she needs most is consistency. She will also learn behaviors from your other dogs as well. She may also be going immediately when she goes in the crate from anxiety. As a result of bad experiences with her prior owners. Please consult your vet. She could have something else going on that's unseen. I hope this helps, good luck. And congratulations on your new puppy.


Just as simple as replacing the bottom floor tray insert. And when ever you want to feed or treat her, each and every time, say crate happily and throw the treat in but don't shut the door. Do this as often as possible, even replace feeding once per day for all day pieces of food for 4 to 5 days. And try to do it on your weekend when you don't have to leave for work etc. Then after a few days of that if she doesn't go potty if the doors open and just using it to be the "spot" for the treats throughout the day, then try either some peanut butter or maybe some wet dog food or if you feed raw just the good old hamburger meat, and smear it all over a disposable cutting board or snuffle type mat. I personally use a wood cutting board and peanut butter. Then place it in the crate and once she's in with the lick-em up tray, close the door but sit within eye shot for about 20 mins maybe 30 min. Then open the door and say "potty" excitedly and then immediately go out to potty and act like it's Christmas morning in the excitement department. And then once outside give one small treat say potty, then stand still in one spot till she potties. The reason I'm suggesting this method is it seems partially habit learned behavior and partially insecure territorial attempts. Hope this helps


Dogs usually don't poop where they sleep or in their sleeping area. This could be that your dog isn't getting enough time outside her crate. She is not able to distinguish her sleeping area / resting area with the rest of the house. She probably needs an open crate. This way she will go in her crate only when she wishes to sleep or rest. Of course in addition to that she must have walks for potty breaks outside the house, give her positive reinforcement for that as well.