Febby C.'s profile

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received badge  Necromancer (source)
answered a question How do you handle meet and greets with current guest dogs in the house?

You should first do a parallel walk with the both of them so that they don't go right on face to face. Parallel walking is pretty much taking them outside to a park on leash and walk them side by side so that they get used to each other's presence. After doing that and they get comfortable, keep them on leash and put them in a pen So that they can meet/play with each other face to face.

received badge  Necromancer (source)
answered a question My GSD keeps biting my Pug. What should i do..?

I would suggest you crate him and if he starts violently barking then the only other way is to do a parallel walk with your pug and your 3 month old GSD. Here's how it's done: 1. Put the GSD and the pug both on leash. 2. Take them outside and walk them side by side so that they are not playing with each other head on head. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

answered a question How do you stop an aggresive puller from pulling on their leash?

Note: This will take a lot of patience. When you take him outside on a leash and if you feel a little bit of tension on the leash, stop moving until the leash is loose again. You would continue doing this until he stops pulling which as i mentioned before will take a lot of patience.

answered a question How do I get my dog to like his crate?

Use high value treats and throw some treats in the front of the crate and in the middle and all the way inside. Don't close the door and force him into the crate because he will hate it and be scared of it afterwards. If possible take the door of the crate out so that there are no sudden sounds being made. Once he gets all four feet into the crate, keep throwing treats inside the crate and slow it down a little bit and see what he does. If he stays then slow down the rate. After a little bit let him out of the crate saying "ok!" And throw the treat outside of the crate. Do about 1-2 lessons a day and don't make it something really hard to do.

answered a question How do I handle a large dog that lays down during walks?

You can takes treats or something high value to lure him into the house or pet him a lot to get him into the house.

answered a question what to do with a bad behavior ?

You should always keep her by your side at all times and not let her leave your side. I know it's a lot of work but she needs to learn right from wrong. For example you can leash her up in the house and wherever she goes follow her and see what she does. If she's about to do something wrong, just pull her with you and walk in an opposite direction.

answered a question Training a senior dog to sleep in a crate or outside?

I would recommend you take him outside for often and have something out in the yard that he really likes such as a toy or food and maybe the family can stay outside with him so that he gets to like the backyard.

answered a question I know some dogs suffer from separation anxiety. Does it help if the dog has the company of another dog or a cat?

Yes it should with separation anxiety however every dog is different and see id getting a cat would be good or not.

answered a question Help! Puppy peeing inside - but only when I am home?

Put down a wee-wee pad is that one spot. And while your not home she doesn't pee so that's fine. Just take her out for more bathroom breaks.

answered a question Demon dog from hell?

I think the best thing before you ever watch a dog is to get to the know the dog first and be around him/her for a while before allowing yourself to pet them. I would suggest you give her treats and while giving her treats also pet her at the same time once your comfortable.

answered a question Why is other dogs urine scent bothering my dog so much?

Hopefully his apprehension will disappear after a while. However if it doesn't you are going to need to do some training such as luring him into the house with treats and giving him a lot of good things in the house so that he knows this is still his safe spot.

answered a question My puppy now runs from me when i take him to go potty so I decided to use his leash but now he wont go to the bathroom & will go on the carpet right when we get inside help?

Use high value treats to lure him and put the leash on and take it off as practice. When he gets comfortable take him out and see if he will do his business outside or not.

answered a question Tips on house training a newly adopted adult dog?

You can take her outside and just let her stay outside with you to see if she will poop or not. You can also crate train her so that she will not pee all over the house.

answered a question How long do you isolate your pets with Kennel cough for?

You should isolate him for about 6 weeks and don't let him near any other dogs even if there is a fence between the dogs. I would suggest you give him a spoonful of coconut oil everyday for about a week and the kennel cough will go away on its own. It's a natural way of getting rid of it it worked on my dog not sure if you would like to try it. Hope this helps.

answered a question Good Dog Breed for Service?

Golden retrievers, Labradors, standard sized poodles, etc.

answered a question Anyone know about the DEXDOG over the head dog harness?

It's a really good harness because it doesn't cause any tension on the neck however it wouldn't be good for a dog that pulls a lot because this is encouraging pulling. If you would like your dog is not pull you all the way down the street I suggest you get an ez-walk harness it works much better with pulling.

answered a question My dog isn't affected by lure training?

You can try to use his favorite toys and something else that he loves in order to train him.

received badge  Nice Answer (source)
received badge  Nice Answer (source)
answered a question How to correct a puppy's humping problems?

He should be neutered first to see if that corrects the problem. If it doesn't then every time he is about to hump someone pull him off of them this is pretty much teaching discipline. With his barking I suggest that you train him out of it. Whenever he barks try your best in getting his attention.

answered a question Rat Terriers

rat terriers shed quite a lot but I have only seen rat terrier puppies.

answered a question Does anyone have any idea how to transport a 32-lb French bulldog from NYC to LA this summer?

You can drive to LA or find a plane that can take his weight.

answered a question Help--My dog wont eat dry food anymore?

Try mixing wet food and dog food together. Put more wet food than dog food.

answered a question I have a 3 year old puggle who plays well but likes to bite gently, mostly on my wrists. He doesn't bear down, just grabs hold. Is this normal? what can I do?

Yes this is very normal as long as he doesn't go from a gentle bite to a hard or aggressive bite. If you don't like his behavior then whenever you are playing with him and he starts to nibble on you let go or stop whatever you are doing and see what his reaction is. Then when he stops nibbling you can start playing with him again.

answered a question Does anyone really brush their dog's teeth?

You don't need to brush your dogs teeth but you should buy them rawhides or bones in order to keep their teeth clean and healthy.

received badge  Teacher (source)
answered a question How can I tell if a dog is being playful or dominant (aggressive)?

You have to look at the dogs body language. For example when the dogs are playing look for the tail and if it is wagging from side to side and it looks extremeley nervous pull the two apart otherwise you are putting the dogs at risk of getting into a really nasty fight.

answered a question How much water is too much?

There is really no limit for water and it all depends on how much the dog wants to drink. However you might want to take your dog to the vet just to make sure your dog is not dehydrated or something is not functioning correctly in their body.

answered a question How do I stop dogs from fighting?

You should try play groups. So what you do is that you take your dog and and another dog that's friendly and walk side by side. Never ever put them face to face because it is a threat sign to them and you don't want that. So walk them side by side but not too close if you feel they are uncomfortable. After they can walk side by side nicely together than still have them on leash but let them play with each other. If it becomes too rough just pull them apart for a little break. After doing so then let them off leash and voila they can play fine. Always do this when your dog meets a new dog so that there is no tension between the two. Hope this helps.

answered a question What is the maxmimum hours in a day that a dog can be crated?

It depends on the age of the dog and it is not good to crate a dog for that long. I would say tops is 8-10 hours because it is way to long to be crated in an area and not be able to stretch.

answered a question Have you ever gone on a road trip with your dog(s)?

Take something that your dog likes and let them chew it in the car so that it keeps them occupied For a little while.

answered a question How do I get my dog to like car rides, again?

You should just stand by the car with the door open and then take high value treats to give him. Once he's comfortable throw the treats into the car and see how he reacts and after that have the car running and give him treats. Then give him treats when you move the car a little and try to put something in the car that he likes so that it'll keep his mind off of him being in the car.

received badge  Enthusiast
answered a question My dog "digs" in her water bowl when she's excited and makes a huge mess. Anyone solve this issue?

Whenever she is about to to dig in the water call her over to you or just simply pick the bowl up. Never ever yell at a dog or hit them because they will not learn anything if you do so.

answered a question What are your recommendations for a small breed that does not shed and does well with children?

You could get a toy or minituare poodle, shiztu, etc.

answered a question can we keep a "stop Pull Collar" permaently on the dog while he is inside?

Never leave a stop pull collar on your dog when he is in the house because he may get it caught on something, chew it off and it's extremely uncomfortable when they just have it on.

answered a question Which dog breeds are best suited for apartment living?

Shitzu, hotdog, corgi, beagle, basset hound, etc.

answered a question Any tips on how to get dogs to play nice with each other?

You should put both of them on leash and hold them and let them play. Then u pull them apart for a little bit and then let them go back together. Another way is to keep the two separated and don't let them see each other. Just switch something that has each other's smells and swap them so that they get used to each other's smells then wait a week and then let them see each other through and get and then let them sniff each other. Please don't hesitate to contact me. Hope it works!!

answered a question Any suggestions on how to stop puppy mouthing and play biting?

Whenever she mouths at you make a loud sound and see what she does. If she continues to mouth then get a toy to play with her or just simply walk away and come back a few minutes later.

answered a question What's the healthiest treat we can give our dogs?

You can give them dehydrated sweet potatoes or yam

answered a question How to keep a dog happy in a cone for two weeks?

You can make him happy by giving her as much affection as possible.

answered a question What do you think is the most common dog name?

I think a very common dog name is baliey, max, Charlie, buddy, etc.